
Never visit twice a place you loved

 The idea of never visiting a place twice you loved, tells why I studied in 3 different countries even though Hungary is my second home! Why so? The basic premise I hold is that time has passed, you lived moments, and you met people. It is never about the place itself (anymore)! I asked #ChatGPT, why we live in a new country? There are many reasons why someone might choose to live in a new country. Some people move to a new country for work or educational opportunities. Others may be attracted to the culture or lifestyle of a particular country, or they may want to be closer to family or friends who live there. Some people also move to a new country to retire or to escape conflict or persecution in their home country. Ultimately, the decision to live in a new country is a personal one, and it will depend on an individual's specific circumstances and goals. Mine was a combination of many of these aspects, to experience things differently, from language, and food to weather! The firs